Hotel Tenis novinky


In this section we bring you up to date with our latest offers, promotions and events at the Tenis Hotel. Keep an eye on what’s happening and don’t miss out on opportunities that will make your stay more enjoyable and enrich your experience.

New Year’s Eve ticket

Celebrate the arrival of the New Year in a stellar movie outfit, in good company and with a great...

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Silvestrovská vstupenka

Gift vouchers for Christmas

Statistics make it clear what kind of gift Slovaks want most under the tree.

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Darčekové poukazy k Vianociam

Reward your employees

#benefits #reward #reward #motivation #hoteltenis #hoteltenis #ratesarena #icearena #icearena #fu...

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Hotel Tenis Odmeňte svojich zamestnancov

Seasonal menu

Come and enjoy the autumn specialties we have prepared for you. The seasonal menu is full of good...

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Sezonne menu

Year-end parties

Saying goodbye to the end of the year deserves a special celebration, and we'd love to help you d...

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Koncoročný večierok